Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Why do you believe?

Belief, or faith, or trust, (all closely related words and concepts, and all possible translations of the Greek word pistis piĆ°stiv) is actually just the natural result of recognizing truth – if gravity is true, we must trust, (believe, have faith) that if we step off a cliff we are going to fall. Any other belief is illogical. So, it is not so much a matter of why you believe, but of what you believe. It becomes a matter of seeking to divide truth from fiction.

Everyone believes something, and the question is whether their belief is in something true or something false.

This gets us nicely to the next point – truth. What is truth? Pilate asked the same thing.

The easy way out is to answer that the truth is that which is not false. Logically unassailable and yet totally useless. Another approach is to define truth as that standard against which other things are judged. It’s something like using a yardstick – other things are compared to the yardstick, with the yardstick assumed to be the standard.

Of course, the yardstick has some prior referent, and that itself has some prior referent, back to some beginning. I believe that God is the ultimate prior referent, and everything else is measured, or compared, to Him. That which does not compare favorably to God (or to His standard) is false.