Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Book Review- The Power of Respect by Deborah Norville

Respect is something we all want for ourselves and all too often fail to give to others. A regard or esteem for others, respect is the opposite of selfishness, greed, or indifference.

Deborah Norville, a journalist, broadcaster and author, makes a strong argument that respect ought to be the common thread in all human interaction, and that the lack of it is the foundation of many of our dysfunctions, both as a society and as individuals. She argues that families will be stronger, schools more successful, businesses more productive, profitable, and less likely to be sued, and people happier and more content if we all practiced mutual respect.

Based on more than just the author’s opinion, the book constantly references research by sociologists, psychologists and educators that supports her premise.

I found the book an easy read, with numerous stories of people who have learned this lesson and have made their lives better by applying it. I also found it bogs down a bit with the repetition of the same points in the stories of different people. I found myself having to work at finishing the last third, and I am not sure there was anything said there that had not already been said. However, that may have been my own impatience.

I think this is a book that ought to be read, and its lessons heeded, by most of the people I meet in stores, businesses and gathering places. I would encourage it most of all for young people, who seem most to be missing this important character trait.